Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Citrix Analisys

last week, aku dah jumpa salah satu punca kenapa citrix performance slow dekat site office. When users click on any object, the system will take at least 5 seconds to response. it a bit weird to, because it does not happen at my office. what different my machine with users machine is the operating system, i'm using windows 7 profesional, but most of my users still use windows XP pro. i'm expected the plugin version give a problem, i unistall online plugin web version 12.X.X.X then intall back with plugin 6.0.X.X. it come with citrix xenapp installer. when install with this plugin, the response back to normal, no more delay when user click on object. i think the latest web plugin and full online plugin not really compatible with windows xp pro sp2.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hai semua, apa khabar? hopefully semua ok. Hari ini aku agak sibuk kt tempat, cuba melihat masalah application citrix dekat projek aku ni. Response agak slow utk kawasan luar office aku bg yg menggunakan citrix. tgh investigate..huhuh..hari ini aku balik pukul 6.30 ptg. lewat jugak..tinggal vendor aku yg dari india je kt office masa aku balik tadi. Dia orang memang selalu balik lambat, tapi tak pelah, dia orang masuk kerja pun dlm kul 9 lebih. Bila aku balik je..fuh bau masak best, rupanya wife aku masak sotong yang beli kat pasar tani bangi sabtu baru ni..huh kenyang aku bila dah makan..dah lama tak makan sotong besar dan fresh. kalau balik kampung mesti selalu dapat makan ikan dan sotong yang segar, maklumlah kg kt terengganu..hehe. ok lah semua.. selamat malam..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Citrix Certified

Hi All,
i just received my certified certificate from Cirix Education. Now I'm a Citrix Certified Admin (CCA), after this i will persue for next Certificate in Citrix. Very eager to start work..hehe.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Citrix Exam

Hi, how are you, hope all of you are ok. Today i have Citrix Exam at Iversion Training Centre, Damansara Utama. Thanks to Allah, i have passed the exam, very lucky :). Now i'm at first level for citrix certified Admin path for Xen App 6. After this i will pursue for 2nd level exam, but is not availaible yet in market. Talking about Citrix, it's a good software and very powerful if you have problem with application need a big bandwidth to operate. i have involved in citrix application almost 3 years and this is first time i go to training and take the certified exam. Before this, i just learn by my self by reading article at Citrix forum and Citrix web. After this, i will share with any problem and solution here regarding to citrix software that has been setup in my company.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bone Marrow

setelah dua tahun aku menjalani procedure bone marrow, aku dikehendaki oleh dr untuk bt kali kedua. Mula-mula aku tak setuju, tetapi setelah bertanya banyak pendapat, mereka kata bone marrow procedure yang biasa sahaja. semalam aku pergi ke Hospital APSH untuk buat bone marrow. sampai je, aku terus masuk ward, dan doktor check aku punya tekanan darah,mak aii, tingginya, 170/120..aku pun terkejut, aku tak rasa sakit kepala pun. sampai petang tekanan darah aku masih lagi tinggi. Jadi, aku terpaksa stay kat hospital malam tadi..uhuk..ingatkan xperlu stay lama2..huhuh. Pagi ni doktor datang check tekanan darah aku, pagi ni 150/100 so dr kata boleh buat procedure. Aku dah mula berdebar2..tapi dulu masa bt procedure ni, aku terus diberi ubat tidur dan memang xsedar langsung..sedar dah ada dalam bilik aku. tp pagi tadi, dr inject ubat tidur, tp aku still separa sedar..aduh..sakit juga bila doktor tu cucuk sampai sumsung tulang aku..boleh tahan sakitnya..aku heran, kenapa aku tak tdo macam dulu, still sedar..hehe..siap aku sedar lagi naik katil dan dia orang hantar ke bilik aku..bila sampai bilik aku, aku mamai..aku betul2 sedar dalam pukul 11.30pg, mase bt procedure tu dalam pukul 9 lebih. Yang aku perasan sepanjang aku mamai tu, nurse datang kerap kali gaklah tengok aku punya blood pressure. Bila aku dah betul2 sedar, aku tgk ada kesan ambil darah kat sebelah tangan kanan aku, aku tanya nurse, bila lak dia orang ambil darah aku ni, dia orang cakap lps buat procedure tadi..hehe..dia orang senyum...maknanya aku xberapa perasan..hahaha. Aku tanya gak, kenapa aku masih sedar lepas dia inject ubat tido, nurse cakap, dia tak bagi aku xsedar langsung sebab blood pressure aku tinggi, takut berlaku perkara diluar dugaan. ooo..gitu rupanya. Bila aku berjalan je rase jugak sakit kat pinggang aku ni..baru lagi..tapi alhamdulillah xada bleeding. :) 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


What is Jerangau? Jerangau is a place or a village in Terengganu, Malaysia. you found this village when you travel to Terengganu through Jerangau-Jabor Road, after LPT highway. The area not really far from town, located near to Bukit Besi about 10km and Ajil about 20km. i came from Jerangau Felda, this is the place i got my education during primary school, the school named SK LKTP Felda Jerangau. A lot of memory i have in this school with all my friends. My house is in front of Jerangau Felda market and near to mosque. This Jerangau Felda is surrounded by oil palm farm you will meet oil palm farm first before you can found the house or people in this village. Villagers routine works is go to farm on early morning and collect the oil palm fruit. The community here are very good and the cooperation show really good to make sure the village are beautiful and clean. In this village also we have Medical Health centre and the best thing, the internet connection for TM NET Streamyx very fast here. :) from my village to Sekayu, the famous water fall in Terengganu just take 40 minutes.

thank you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Target In Our Life

when come new year, i believe, you also will have your own target/wish list to achieve in a year. How about in 2011? and how about our target in 2010? do we achieved our target? congratulation to those who has achieved their target for those not yet achieve the target, you may try to achieve it in 2011. how important our target? it is very import to have our target in a year because life without target are like ship without a sailor. we don't know what is our destiny. target in life will encourage us to do the best thing in a life and we always have something to do and to achieve. target made our life more meaningful and made our self more cheerful.

thank you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

happy new year to all readers. i hope this 2011 will give you more luck, success, prosperity and anything good to all of you. What is your target for this 2011? to me, i will write at least 4 time in a month here. i'm juast learning how to write in blog and i feel i should voice up all my personal opinion and view in any topic, but i will not do an extreme topic. just to share what i know and my opinion. Economic, business , culture ad football will be my main topic. :) btw, congrats again to Malaysian team for become Champion AFF Suzuki Cup.